Saturday, February 16, 2013

Underwater Adventures in Catalina

 The glass bottom boats in Catalina are well known. In adddition to those are the semi submersibles, sort of like the Disneyland sub ride. We thought one of those would give us the best view of the fish underwater. Here is Cindy in an Underwater glow!
 Our sub. They feed the fish so they come and swarm around the boat. They take us to Lover's Cove which is a marine perserve right next to the ferry dock. The fish are amazing. The water was somewhat stirred up that day, but it was still fun.

This is what it looke like in the boat. It was pretty cool in that there was only 6 of us on board.

 The sealions would gorge on squid and then hook their fins together and float in these rafts. I could just see them loosening their belts and groaning and going, Ooohh I'm so full. They would barely move for boats to go by.

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