Friday, April 12, 2013


Today, my niece and I, went to a mexican import store to look for a pot for her mother. While we were there I saw a few things I liked. I have often thought I would like a chiminea in my backyard. The ones I liked were rather expensive and so I haven't gotten one. In the store today, I saw this one above. I thought it was really pretty and the guy in the store was really wanted to make a deal. He kept coming down in price.

We also saw this paper mache macaw that was fun. I didn't want to pay for him though. In the end, he offered me a great deal on the chiminea and threw the macaw in for free. He has a small ding on his back, so I guess that is why. My niece is going to make him a perch and hamg him under the eve in the backyard.

After I left for work, she went to another store and found the pots for her mom. I am not allowed to post photos because they are a surprise. But she got this roadrunner made out of rocks for our backyard.

 And while I am at work, she is breaking in the chiminea and making s'mores!
The slits on the sun are cool!

It's my turn tomorrow night! Maybe we can have book club in my back yard.

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