Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Gary Hardt Memorial Rodeo Payson 2013

Last Saturday, Penny, my niece and I, went up to Payson for a rodeo. My niece is a country girl and misses some of her country activities. I hadn't been to a rodeo in a long time. It was evident why we get so many patients transferred from rodeo accidents. It's not a gentle activity.
We got to see the tail end of a draft horse show. Above is a draft horse "running" the barrels. It's like piloting a semi as opposed to a race care, as the announcer said. If you notice, the little boy's legs, barely reach past the saddle blanket.

 There were lots of interestingly dressed folks. I am not sure if there was something about period dressing.
 This guy was on the rodeo committee.
Selling raffle tickets.

 I think Penny coveted this lady's pink cowboy hat and this little girl's socks and boots.

 These girls were from the American Cowgirl federation for the preservation of the american western way of life. They did some really fun drill riding.
 I loved the announcers Appaloosa.
Rodeo royalty.
 Ok, so I have a lot of photos. You don't have to look at them all, but I took so many fun photos, I had trouble editing it down to what I did! So we had bare back broncs first. Can you say whiplash and cervical collar?
 For some reason, I love the look of all the cowboys getting the guys ready to come out of the chute.

 Rodeo clown.
More cute cowboys.We had steer wrestling. There were quite a few misses.
 This guy has the steer by the horns.
 These two had quite a long wrestling match.
 Clysdale team pulling rodeo royalty from around the country.
This the outgoing State Rodeo queen.

 Already off, saddle bronc riding.

 Horse and rider both went down.



 There was a couple of roping events.

 This horse did a good job of keeping the rope tight, that was his job.
 There was a kids event, called mutton busting. They all lasted less then 10 seconds.
Team roping. And barrel racing. This gal was the winner of the barrel racing.

The end of all the sheep riding.

Bull riding. The most dangerous sport of all. We had a guy come out in a wheelchair with his broken pelvis to say how glad he was to be there. Sheesh.

Somebody call an ambulance. Actually he was ok.

We are going to the Prescott rodeo in July!

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