Friday, August 30, 2013


I am not exactly sure how long Bearizona has been in Williams. I know I have been seeing billboards in the Flagstaff area for at least 2 or 3 years. My niece's birthday is next week. We both work on her birthday, so we are doing some birthday celebrating early. I was pretty sure this was something she would enjoy. So today Penny came along and we went to check it out.
The first part is a drive through animal park. You have to keep your windows up at all times. Not too hard today, as it ended up pouring rain a lot of the time. There is a similar park I have been to in Idaho called Bear world. We started with some mountain goats, and then dall sheep, burros and mountain sheep.

 We didn't get a very good photo of the bison. They were laying down behind some trees. Most of the animals seemed to be enjoying the rain.
 There were quite a few wolves.

 They had white Bison in a separate area.

 It really started to pour when we got to the bears. They were black bears.

 After the drive through section, there is an area where you can get out and walk through, like a zoo. They had quite a lot of young bears. They were all up in the trees. It was pretty fun to see them.

 Some foxes.
 A different fox.
They also have a raptor show, but it was too rainy for them to do it. I enjoyed myself. I would be willing to go again.

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