Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sights at and around my Sister's house in Idaho

My sister and her family keep chickens. I woke every morning to him crowing. Although one night, he was crowing at 2:30AM. Crazy rooster. This is one of her many laying hens. I brought back 3 dozen of my sister's eggs.

I pulled the onions out of my sister's garden. She had a lot of really nice onions. I brought back 4.

This is the product of my sister's squash vines. She thinks they are cross bred zucchini and summer squash. They were quite huge. She was calling them inedible because they were so big, had a lot of seeds and the skin had gotten tough. I told her I could make something out of them. I  brought 3 back. I have made some inedible squash bread (zucchini bread) and a soup so far. Now she says, it's not that they were inedible, it's just that no one up there but the chickens will eat them.

This is the herbaceous border on my sister's side yard. It looks so nice. I am envious of all the area she has to plant and grow things. They are expecting snow soon though, and so it's close to the end for a while.

My mom, sister and I went for a long drive one day. We went by a farm that raised Clydesdales. We saw this adorable baby Clydesdale. Not quite like the commercials, but still adorable.

This was a clydesdale team.

 Some peaking out of the barn.
 Flower from my sister's garden.
 We also saw them dumping slag at a phosphorous mine.
 Bee Hives near my sister's house. Helps her garden be healthy.
 One of the many rainbows I saw on my trip. It rained some everyday, so we saw rainbows every day.
 Low lying clouds behind my sister's place.

 A multitude of cars parked at my sister's.
 A view towards the garden and hen house.
 My sister is now the post mistress in Lewiston, Utah. This little community theatre is next door to her post office. We went to the movies the night before I left. It cost  2$ to get in and 2.50 for my drink and popcorn. And it was a recent movie too. It was awesome! It's non profit and subsidized by the town.

1 comment:

  1. You've got some beautiful photography in many of these posts of your trip. Love the one of the horses peeking out of the windows.
