Friday, November 22, 2013

When your niece gives you lemons....

My niece is from Idaho. She didn't grow up around citrus trees. She is enjoying them now, however, and knows that I love citrus fruit too. At her work yesterday, someone brought in several bags of lemons. She didn't know that about 6 was the maximum about of lemons one could probably use in a a short space of time.
When I got home from work, she had made a cute pyramid of about 35 lemons at my place on the table. What the heck? And I have just about 4 hours after I have gotten up before I have to turn around and go back to work for a 12 hour shift.
So what you do when your niece gives you lemons? Get out the juicer. I put some juice in the freezer in small containers for recipes. I made homemade "lemonade concentrate". And then I made a lemonade cake. Sheesh. Enough of lemons for now.

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