Monday, February 17, 2014

Crocheted Purse

 I found some crochet thread at Tuesday Morning that I really liked. I really didn't have any business buying it. I decided to make a crocheted purse. I started with a pattern but then completly changed for reasons of my own. :)
I decided if I was putting this much effort into it, that I should add features that I really liked in a purse. Most crocheted bags have flat crocheted handles. I like my bag handles to have more substance to stay on my shoulder. I found some cord used in upoholstery. Then crocheted a cover for it. The alternating colors make me think of Dr. Suess a bit.
Then I lined it and put some pockets inside for cell phone, whatever. I always need pockets inside of a bag. My niece thought it should have a zipper closure. I was a little challenged about how to sew it on and had trouble with the handles. My friend Juanita came to my rescue and helped me figure that out.
It isn't perfect. There is a couple of spots that I had to ease the excess "fabric" of the purse on the outside, and so it doesn't lay perfectly flat.
I made it all up myself. I put some plastic canvas inside under the lining on the bottom and ends to help give it some shape and so it wouldn't completely collapse on itself when standing.
But after all that work.
I recently got a new Vera Bradley bag and don't really need one just now. I don't need/want to store it. It's a great spring color.
Anybody really want a spring crocheted bag?
Tell me why you want it and I will choose some "lucky" recipient.

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