Friday, September 26, 2014

Letchford State Park

Cindy and I were told by a couple of friends from the area, that we should go to Letchford State Park. We had a little bit of trouble finding the entrance. The GPS took us to a closed entrance, initially. We spent a fair amount of time driving through beautiful countryside like this, so we didn't mind very much.

We were surprised that there weren't more signs directing us, especially as we discovered this was called the Grand Canyon of the East. And suddenly we were there. And we said Wow!

It was quite dramatic scenery, especially in relation to the more flat, rolling areas that we had been driving through. The park started as the private 1000 acre estate of man named Letchford. He deeded it to the state for a park and they added about 40,000 acres to it. In addition to the gorge, there are the Upper, Middle and Lower falls.

We saw quite a few deer.

At the site of the Upper and Middle falls, is the Glen Iris Inn, the original home. It is beautiful. Today you can stay there, eat there and there is a little gift shop.

Middle Falls

I loved the wall paper on the ceiling and upper walls of the inn.

 I love this shot. For me it embodies, the green, light and water of our whole trip.
Upper falls, that is the railway trestle above. A train went by while we were there. It went over quite slowly.

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