Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Lotusland Part Three

I know this is a lot, only the diehards are still following along!
This was one of my favorite things, trellised Eureka Lemons. Too awesome.

The lemons led out to the insectarium, a specialty garden designed to attract beneficial insects. Pesticides and fungicides are not used in the garden.

This area is reminiscent of a Spanish/Moorish garden. Very straight, simple, water features. These are roses on either side. We were early for roses. Only a few in bloom.

 Kumquat tree in a container.
A Moorish fountain, water flows out of this fountain and down a channel in the middle of the walk way. There is an echo chamber where the water comes out to amplify the sound of the water.

The walkway ends in the Topiary garden. This part is the most in need of work according to our docent. Topiaries are very labor intensive.

A knight chess piece.


  A begging dog
  A peacock in a cage.
 A bunny

A fish on top of a water spout

  Loved the lion.

This is a working clock made of succulents. Each of the hours features a sign of the zodiac.

Two bears

 Madame Walska had these stone areas made. This one is meant to represent a stone dropped in water. The next is supposed to represent fire.

 Tiles from Spain

 The next few photos are some of the art for the special exhibition on birds.

  An espaliered Magnolia tree. Again amazing.

 Dragon trees from South Africa.
  A weeping euphoria, brought as a mature specimen by a sea captain.
 One more to entry to come

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