Sunday, April 19, 2015

Relief Society At Rose Manor

Our Relief Society had the opportunity of helping put on a carnival at an assisted living yesterday. We are lucky in that, the activities director is LDS. She gets everything together and we just have to show up. Carli was brave enough to dress like a clown and brought Carson along for moral support.

Crystal manned the popcorn booth and I had the table bowling booth.

Angel and Vickie did face painting.

Amy helped get the residents to the different locations they needed to be.

Grace and Will came along to help.

 There was a bean bag toss that Laurie took care of.
 And Cindy did the cake spin. Sort of like a cake walk, only the spinner points to who gets the cupcake. It was really a lot of fun. You really felt like you were provided a service and the residents seemed to have a good time. We hope to go back again soon!

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