Monday, May 25, 2015

Pink Ombre Baby Shower Cake

 A friend asked me to make a cake for her daughter's baby shower. I made sure she knew she was dealing with a novice before I agreed. I hate to disappoint someone.
They wanted a pink ombre cake. I decided to do a Strawberry cake with strawberry filling, to make the whole thing pink. Besides it sounded pretty tasty.
The recipe starts with pureed strawberries.

I made two deeper 8" layers and then split them in half so it would be 4 layers. I put strawberry filling in between the layers.

Here is what it looked like before it got it's crumb coat.

My friend, Juanita, helped me make the little banner. She always has a lot of good ideas about how to do things. And I got the little baby figure at ABC Cake decorating. I thought she was pretty cute. This is only the second time, I have done this all over rose technique. I think it turned out really well.

I need to do some practice cakes with some other techniques so I can learn some new stuff. I just don't want to spoil somebody's special cake while I practice. I gave some cake trimmings to my niece and her husband. They said it tasted good. I couldn't taste because I was on my diet.

They also wanted 24 cupcakes. Iwanted them all to  look like flowers. I had some pretty little pink nonparel's I used as decoration. It was two day's work total, but I like the finished product!

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