Friday, July 17, 2015

The rest of the Cemetaries in Savannah/South Carolina We visited

As you can already tell, we went to several cemeteries on our trip. Here are the last of the photos that I wanted to post and it's a mash up of Laurel Park East in Savannah, Laurel Park West, which was the Black Cemetery, one more modern one in Savannah and a historic one we stopped at in South Carolina on our way back to Charleston.

This is Juliette Gordon Lowe's grave. She is the founder of the Girl Scouts of America.

Confederate soldiers graves

In the Jewish section of the cemetary

A cardinal.

This is the grave of the "waving Girl" and her brother. She was a woman who lived at a light house island with her brother in Savannah, from the time she was small. She gained fame by waving a white cloth at all the ships who went by.


Tiffany nearly swooned when we found this angel statue.

She was carved by an Italian from Carrera marble. That is what Michelangelo used.

We watched this raccoon run across the grass and up the tree.

Tiffany looking at the slave graveyard

This is the old graveyard, Church site we found on our way back. We made the mistake of walking through the wooded, untended site. Chiggers!

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