Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Camping with the Ladies

Every once in a while I like to do a "little" camping. Not for a long period and not super basic. But still. it's nice to get out with some friends and have a campfire, see the stars, etc.
A couple of years ago, Lynnora and I got Dericka to go camping with us. She had never been in her life before. I guess she decided it was ok, because she agreed to go again!
Keegan was here the first time, but now she is married and back in Idaho. So Sue agreed to come along too.
A great group of ladies!
We went to Houston Mesa, literally in Payson. It's convenient, easy to get to and has nice flush bathrooms. All good things.

 I was supposed to share my tent with Dericka, but when we got my cot, etc, inside, it looked a little tight to share. Thankfully, Sue had brought up her tent, just in case we needed it. So Dericka got her own spacious quarters. Sue had a mattress in the back of her truck with a canopy over it. Lynnora had her own tent.

I brought up all three of my dogs. A bit of a pain to have to keep them on leashes and keep track of them all the time, but it was fun to have them along. Cisco, here on my lap, would not stay in the dog pen. The minute I put him in, he climbed out. He is part cat, I think.

We had some nice healthy campfire meals planned. Everyone contributed to the labor.

Lynnora was up the night before us and had to leave a day early, but it was fun to spend some time with her.

 The dogs in the dog pen, at least for now.
Setting up Sue's tent for Dericka.
Dericka came back from the bathroom, with the news that the campground hosts were looking at a tarantula by the water spigot. She was quite confused that we were all excited to go see it. It wasn't the least interested in us. The hosts had to poke a stick at it to get it out for us to see it. It lived there, but didn't want anything to do with us. It just wanted to eat bugs. It was kinda cool to see.

Campfire cooking.

The next day, we went for a drive. We stopped at the Shoo Fly Indian Ruin site.

Pretty clouds, the rim.

Sue and Dericka


We saw this cute mule.

 Pretty water

And Elk! We got to see a few.


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