Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Dinner in the Park 2015

Tonight I had my "dinner in the park". Last year I decided to try and make it "fancy" with real dishes, etc. Since I had everything, and everyone seemed to enjoy it last year, we did it that way again this year. There was a bit of a scare that it would rain. So I moved it to the back lawn of the church. Then if it rained, we could go inside. It didn't rain, but the sprinklers did go on briefly! That was a scare. Some of the guys covered the sprinklers up for us and they turned off pretty quickly, so all was well in the end.
The tables turned out nice. I had a lot of help from Cindy and Penny with setting up, so lots of thanks to them.

And of course everyone brought yummy food and seemed to mix with everyone really well.

Thank you everyone for all your help and a great evening!

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