Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Chimney Rock, NC

Chimney Rock is an iconic stop in North Carolina. It's a state park, just a short way outside of Asheville. The guide book said there was an elevator that would take you most of the way up. Sign me up! I was ready to go.

Beautiful view from the parking lot. When we got there, we were told they would take 2 dollars off our admission price because the elevator wasn't working. WHAT! I have to climb 500 stairs!!!

I decided I wanted to try, wonky knee and all.

Off we went. This is what we saw when we went around the corner. And they never ended.

If I stop to take a photo, I can rest and catch my breath for a minute.

Views along the way.

I can see the end in sight, but still more stairs to get there.

Made it!

And then,  had to take all those stairs back down again. Almost as bad as coming up.

The bottom.

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