Thursday, May 5, 2016

Salt and Pepper Shaker Museum

 When I was reading up on things and preparing for our trip, I was surprised to find out there was a salt and pepper shaker museum in Gatlinburg, TN where we would be staying. Cindy and I both have a salt and pepper shaker collection, so we were both excited to check it out.
It costs 3$ to go in. This lady has over 20,000 salt and pepper shakers here and she has a second museum in Spain. She had them organized by type.

 It was fun to see.
 I have a bit of a southwest collection and was especially interested in those and the dogs.

 And I am a Pepsi drinker, so thought these were fun.

 They went on and on.

 The gift shop had a small selection compared to the museum, but it was still hard to choose some to take home!

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