Had a lot fun taking a quick over night road trip to Bisbee with Jane and Dericka. Bisbee is a fun, artsy, hippy sort of town with old west and mining roots all combined together. I have always liked it. It's also a mile high in elevation so it's cooler, even though it's practically on the Mexican border.
I already posted some photos from my phone on Facebook. These are photos I took on our jeep tour of the area.

The special seat belts in the back of the jeep required some additional training to operate.

Bisbe was founded in 1880 as a mining town and was quite large at one time. There were people who came straight from New York to Bisbee who built city parks, baseball stadiums and one of the oldest YWCA's in the country. It's now apartments.

The old grammer school is now artist studios.

The old jail from 1904 is a bed and breakfast. It's a skinny 2 story building with some of the old jail doors still inside. It's been modernized with a hot tub, kitchen, etc. I stayed there with friends back in the late 80's.

Lots of cute unique hotels in Bisbee

Looking down on Brewery gulch.

Lots of murals in this colorful town.

And all the homes are unique and interesting
This market has been operating over 100 years and makes it's own bread.

This was the old red light district, just up the street from brewery gulch. The old bordello's that still exist have been turned into homes. They were long and skinny homes with many doors into each tiny room to maximize their investment. The rooms were just tiny enough for a bed and not much else.

This empty lot has connected bedsteads on it to show how many they packed into this space.

And there were cement stairs up to each door.

Some people have left the outline of the stairs in their remodel.

Interesting sign apparently necessary in this part of town.

The Hilary car, decorated by a Hilary supporter.

More murals in the city park which is built on a site that was originally a cemetery. After it got full, they moved everyone out to a new site and thought someone would build a nice home here. Apparently it was a hard sell and they built a city park instead.

The roads are steep in the canyon and so some people build additional access routes out of their attic to a road above the house.

In one part of town, Anise grows wild everywhere.
Lots and lots of stairs , which is why Bisbee holds it's annual 1000 stair climb event in October. This guy sells haunted bird houses.

This is an old high school now used for government offices. It's in Ripley's believe it or not for having ground floor entrances on four different levels.

This beautiful home is available for a B and B stay. It has beautiful views and a great firepit area in the garden.

More fun metal work around town.

The Iron Man statue represents the mining heritage of the town and is from the art deco period. Currently it's sporting a bunny mask and apron from the Alice in Bisbeeland Cosplay event they had the week before.

All fire station still in use.

Love my Pepsi logo.

Knarly tree roots

Sign post on overlook, that also commemorates the fake continental divide. At one time they assumed it was here. It's really over in New Mexico.

Fun windblown jeep pic.

Stair climb mural.

Cathy Hooper Galloway's family lived in this house for a while.

The old hospital is now apartments.

This is where the cemetery was moved to. It's still currently being used.

Super friendly hyper owner of the Olive Oil and vinegar shop.

It was a great trip!
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