Tuesday, May 30, 2017


The Jokulsaron glacial lagoon, is actually spelled with some umlats and special characters. I don't know how to make that happen, so misspelled it is.
This was one of my very favorite things we did. It is other worldly beautiful. A glacier has carved an extra deep, wide lagoon at it's edge, before it goes into the ocean. Pieces of the glacier calve off and float as beautiful icebergs in this lagoon.

You can ride out in this amphibious boat and get an up close look. We had planned on definitely doing this, even though it was cold, windy and rainy. Again, thank goodness for rain pants and other cold weather gear, that let us do things relatively comfortably. There was a young couple in our tour that were wearing jeans. I felt sorry for them. Wet and cold the rest of the day. This isn't Arizona, where things dry out fast.

Bundled up and ready to go. About 6 layers on top and 4 layers on the bottom.

Believe it or not, that is Penny.

 Dave and Cindy.

 Our guide was French. They had piece of glacial ice broken off and we were able to taste 1000 year old ice or have your picture taken with it.
 This guy with a wind surfing board on the lagoon had to just be insane.
It was after this trip that I posted the face book picture where I look like a drowned rat. But a happy drowned rat.

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