Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Just Waterfalls in Iceland

There are waterfalls everywhere in Iceland. The word for waterfall is foss. And you see foss at the end of several words. You know there has to be a waterfall nearby. Being desert rats, we got super excited every time we saw one. After a while, even for us, "oh yeah, look, just another waterfall!"
This first one is one of the most famous, Gullfoss. It has a double drop and is quite huge. The wind, rain, and mist were pretty strong when we were there and so there are droplets on the lens on my camera.

We were just holding on, trying not to get blown away.

 It's quite impressive.

 Later that same day, we came across this whole cliff of waterfalls. It was amazing! The first one, you can even walk behind, if you are brave enough to get soaked by spray in the freezing cold wind. This is Seljalandsfoss and it was incredibly beautiful.

Another waterfall further down the cliff.

This is Skogafoss and is very close to Seljalandsfoss. It is huge and pretty incredible.

 Pretty waterfalls everywhere

This is Dettifoss. It is supposed to be the most powerful waterfall in Europe. Again, the wind, rain and mist were pretty tough to get a great picture this day. It reminded me some of the size of Niagara Falls.

Our last three days were beautiful and sunny. Here we are at Pingvellir National Park and Oxararfoss.

I posted several video clips of waterfalls on facebook.

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