Sunday, October 15, 2017

Idaho Sister's Road Trip

  My sister asked if I wanted to do a quick road trip with her when I went up to visit. Of course the answer was yes. She took me through Twin Falls, up through Sun Valley and through the Saw Tooth mountains. I had never been in this area before. It was beautiful!
This first pic is by Twin Falls, the Snake River Canyon.

  Not far out of Twin Falls is Inscription Rock, where pioneers on the Oregon trail inscribed their names. It's really very interesting and thought provoking. 

  Snake River

  A load of sugar beets off to the mill to become sugar.

  Idaho Falls Temple

  Heading towards the Saw Tooth's.

  This is heading into Ketchum/Sun Valley area.

  The Saw Tooth's were just some of the most beautiful mountains ever. Lots of pretty pics.

  Redfish lake was so beautiful. I think I might have to come back and stay in the lodge sometime.  I would love to camp here, but it's too far from Arizona.

  The Salmon River which fed Redfish lake was crystal clear.

  Skinny dipper in the hot springs in the Salmon River.

  Big horn sheep!

  We spent the night in Challis and the next morning were quickly into this.

  Which became this.

  In the tiny town of Arco, the graduating classes graffiti the cliff with the year of their graduation. They must get renewed, because old ones looked as fresh as new ones.

  A couple of pics of my cute great niece Kendra.

  And I got to spend some time with Mom.

  These guys are all over.

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