Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Bike!

I bought a new bike today! Isn't it awesome! It's an Amsterdam bike by Electra bikes. I love the whole retro look to it and it rides great. It's just a 3 speed and has coaster brakes just like when we were kids. I got a little "bike computer" for it. It attaches to the handlebars and it's wireless. It tells me how far the bike has been ridden, it has a trip odometer, tells you how long you've been riding, what time it is, what temperature it is and how fast you're going. It's pretty cool. The seat and handlegrips are leather. It has cool fenders and mini mudflaps. I love the rack on the back, the lights and the metal casing over the back wheel. I also like that the handlebars are a little higher and so you aren't hunched over. I rode around the neighborhood this morning and it was so nice being out and about, cool breeze, citrus blossums! Very fun! Any one ready to go on a bike ride?


  1. Very nice bike Suzanne!! I wish we could bike here, but it's still pretty cold and icy!

  2. ok - I'm going to get my bike tires fixed this week. That sounds great.

  3. This is pretty awesome Suzanne. I got a retro bike not this past Christmas but the one before that. I think the tires are flat. I love that bike though. Her name is Claire and she's orange. I would love to figure out a way to go riding around with you and Ms. Hale sometime - we don't exactly live in the same neighborhood so there might be some bike transporting issues (and obviously I would have to fix my flat tires).

  4. I want to go! We can go on the canal for miles and miles w/o navigating in pesky traffic. It's always a plus peeking into people's back yards, too.

    I love your bike!!! I want one. I am also excited to meet "Claire".

  5. I noticed your bike rack on your car a few weeks ago and was going to ask you about that. Love the bike! On my mission I had a bike named Mrs. Montgomery. It was orange. She had a cool basket on the front. I would love to go on a ride with you, but my bike got stolen off my deck last summer right after we moved here.

  6. Hope you are enjoying the Ride!
