Tuesday, April 8, 2008


We have started doing portraits in my drawing class now. It is hard to try and make it really look like the person, but I am making progress. Here is my first one:

Here hair looks like her, but I made her nose and face a little long and her face to angular. It's amazing what a few centimeters can do. I'm drawing her again in class this week and am doing a better job.

Last Wednesday we drew again and I did a lot better job. I was surprized at how well I did. Partly it's because my teacher comes around behind me regularly and tells me things I can do to correct it and make it look more like the guy. But still, I was very pleased! I don't think I'll do as well without her help, but I'll work on it. This REALLY looks like him!

Pretty soon I'm going to have to do a homework assignment without her to help and we'll see what I can do!


  1. I am truly amazed at your work. And I enjoy hearing how much you are enjoying it.

  2. Looks like you're doing fantastic to me, Suzanne! I'm really impressed with your talent!

  3. Wow! Really looks great! Believible and Fantastic! Iam trying a blog, it is called My Own Opinion
