Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Desert View 72!

My grade school reunion was this past weekend and it was a blast! I think we missed a few in the group photo. We also had 8 former faculty show up and quite a few spouses, friends, etc. Everyone had worked hard and yet it was still not that hard to pull off, really.

Finding people was one of the more difficult things and getting an accurate count of how many to expect. It was a warm, friendly and memorable weekend.

I heard requests to do it again all the tway from every year, every two years, etc. I know we'll do it again, I'm just not sure of the frequency yet. I think one of the things that made it so fun, was that a lot of us had been talking on line for quite a while before the reunion and that made it feel more comfortable when we finally met up. And we had also had a chance to look up photos of who was coming so we would remember them.

This is me with Ron Stephens and his wife. Ron was a very popular guy in grade school and I don't know that we had ever really talked before. He claimed we were friends in 4th grade. Maybe.....but I really don't remember.

We had a total of 8 of the former teachers show up. Pretty funny when you think we are all going to be 50 this year. It was great fun to see them and when one of the girls said, You paddled me!, the teacher said, yes and I regret it. Pretty funny.

This is the some of the former 8th grade pom line posing with an impossibly small outfit from then. Too funny! Some of these same girls were dancing on the tables by the end of the evening. Once a Pom girl always a Pom girl I guess!
Looks like a good time was had by all, huh?

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