Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Progress Report

I just wanted to let you all know how the diet is progressing. I'm not losing as fast as at first, but am still losing steadily. I've lost 53lbs so far! I'm pleased. I have to go off the strict part of the diet mid month until I come back from Europe. I'm hoping to just maintain while I'm gone. The doctor thinks I might still be able to loose because I'll be active while on vacation. I hope so. But I've been active here lately too, riding my bike! It's been fun. I'm trying to get a ride in with everyone who wanted to go for a ride before I leave, because I know it will be darn hot by the time I get back from Europe!


  1. Last time I talked to you Suzanne I think you said 48 pounds so you ARE loosing it fairly quickly. You just have to remember that you are still loosing it faster than you would if you were on a 'regular' diet. I think that she promises 60 lbs in 120 days right? So it seems like you are loosing it faster than she even promises!

    I FINALLY have all my medical stuff done as of today. It was so ridiculous, there was more than one thing that had to be repeated! It was totally frustrating. Now if they can just get everything faxed over today like they promised maybe I can make some progress on getting an appointment.

  2. That's great, Suzanne! Have a wonderful time on your trip!

  3. You are a fine example, I'm sure all well go as well as expected or even better! I know you will have a great time! Cathy
