Monday, June 16, 2008

Cadiz Spain

So..Y'all know I'm not going in order right? Well the second stop on our cruise was Cadiz, Spain. Cadiz is the oldest city in western Europe. It was started by the Phoenicians in 3000 BC. Who know people from Phoenix started there? Just kidding. Anyway the history of a lot of the places just sort of blows your mind.
I really liked Cadiz for several reasons:
1. We had a great shore excursion and a great guide.

2. We got to see a flamenco dancing show that was very cool.

3. It was just the right size, kind of small, tht you felt like you got a feel for the city.
4. One of the cool things about Cadiz is that they purposely build the streets narrow, so there is always shade on the streets and always cool breezes from the ocean.
Edith's debit card liked Cadiz so much that it decided to stay. She tried to get cash out of an ATM and the machine kept her card. So here are photos from Cadiz. I would love to go back.
Our Canadian Honeymooner friends, Don and Deanna

Part of the old medieval wall. And the other silver thing is something they pull in the Corpus Christi religious procession around the city. It is made of silver brought from the New World. It weighs several tons and it is considered an honor to get blisters and all from pulling it. This is the remains of an old Roman Coliseum. The picture above with the water through the arch is from Malaga. I can't seem to delete it. And the Japanese couple were other friends of ours from the ship from Tokyo, Shino (She Knew) and Shigaro.


  1. That's neat! Looks like the Canadian couple really got into the flamingo action!
