Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ladies Day at the Lake

I know I haven't finished my European trip postings, but I want to get some photos up from our ladies day at Lake Pleasant yesterday. Cynthia already has great tubing photos on her blog. I'll just add a few more photos. I didn't get too badly sunburned, but I know at least 3 of you are really hurting today. We even got stopped by the watercops for towing somebody on the tube in an area where we weren't supposed to. It all scared me, because at that precise moment, the front of the boat plowed under the water and I thought we were going to sink. Other than almost drowning us, I had a great time! Best lake day yet! This is Helle, our super tuber!

Shannon gave her a run for her money though as she also did quite well. Who would have thought being drug through the water on an inflated tube at 30 to 40 miles an hour was hard? But it was. There is a knack just to get on the thing and not flip it over upside down on yourself. But after watching everybody, we started figuring out how it worked. Here is Helle and Penny at the beginning of the day, before everyone started looking more toasted. Princess Penny managed to stay looking crisp and nice all day as she never got in the water or the sun!

Then we have some bathing beauty photos:

So what's with the noodle to the forehead Shando? A new Spa treatment? Cell phone fatality


  1. Where is the pic of you on the tube? I think it's always a good idea to take some ibprofen before a day at the lake tubing! :)

  2. I'm glad you find the time for all the fun! I am back home, for now

  3. Thanks for posting these Suzanne, that was fun!

    (though I SERIOUSLY burned my thighs)
