Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Crazy Eights

Okey dokey, my friend Joyce DiPastena tagged me to play Crazy Eights. So here are the rules:

1. Mention the person who tagged you. (See above)
2. Complete the list of 8's.
3. Tag 8 other bloggers.
4. Tell them they have been tagged.

Eight Things I look Forward to:

1. Going to San Diego this weekend to go deep sea fishing.
2. Going to Chicago in July and visiting my friend Geoff.
3. Going to Oregon in August and visiting my friend Susan.
4. Going to New England in the fall with Cindy and hiking a little of the Appalachian Trail.
5. Getting some nice "after" photos taken by a real photographer.
6. Going down the Grand Canyon on a mule next March.
7. Not having to go see Dr. Fountis every 2 weeks now that I am at weight goal.
8. Completing some of my various craft projects that I am in the midst of.

Eight Things I did yesterday:

1. Took my car through emissions (passed).
2. Baked a fabulous Strawberry Cake for work.
3. Attended a work meeting via telephone.
4. Had dinner with friends from Banner Home Care.
5. Had a nice hour long massage at Massage Envy.
6. Bought a skirt and 2 blouses at Marshalls.
7. Bought a Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Cookbook from Bookstar.
8. Talked to Geoff on the phone.

Eight Things I Wish I could do:

1. Go to Australia and New Zealand.
2. Get married!
3. Have kids!
4. Be debt free.
5. Be retired and still have money to travel and play!
6. Play the piano or guitar.
7. Live in a bigger home, with a small acreage, orchard, animals (horses, chickens), etc
8. Have a vacation home.

Eight Shows I watch:

1. Survivor
2. Top Chef
3. The Amazing Race
4. Project Runway
5. Lost
6. CSI: Las Vegas
7. The Office
8. Medium

Eight Friends I am Tagging:

1. Cindy Hale
2. Michelle Dahl
3. Lezlee Hays
4. Heidi Ogao
5. Rachel Echols
6. Janet Gerla
7. Emily White
8. Shannon Mataele

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