Monday, June 22, 2009

Naked in the backyard

Ok, no photos with this posting.
Here is the story: I have been taking a paintbrush into the backyard to help my squash and melons pollinate. The flowers are only open in the morning. So the other day, I was getting ready to go somewhere. I took off my clothes so I could take a shower. Just then I thought about the flowers, they would be closed by the time I got home. So I took my paintbrush and went into the backyard naked. Now my back yard is private, I have a tall metal fence and no one can see in, so I felt safe.
I took care of the flowers and then went to come back in. The arcadia door wouldn't open. It was a bit of a panic moment. The door often comes off the track because it's so old and I keep a flathead screwdriver by the door. But somehow the screwdriver was inside and I was outside.
I went to my storage room and tried to find something to get the door back on track. I found a pry bar. So I'm trying to pry the door back on. Then I realize the door isn't off the track, it's locked! Somehow it had gotten locked when I closed it.
So the only way I was getting in through the door was if someone came through the front and let me in. The only ones who had keys to my house were my neighbor Joy and my mom. My neighbor was already gone to work. My mom is hard to get a hold of because they stay up so late and sleep in. Not to mention, I didn't have a phone with me. Then I eyed the doggie door. Once before a neighbor had crawled through my doggie door when I was locked out front. She was tiny and said it was a tight fit. I thought I should at least try, but was afraid I would get stuck, half way in, naked! Wouldn't that be a sight!
I thought I had to at least try and I would stop if I felt like I was going to get stuck. So I was able to get in through my doggie door! Pretty amazing, Huh? Good thing I lost weight!


  1. Oh Suzanne! I have tears in my eyes I'm laughing so hard! Thank you for making my day! I'm glad you fit through the doggie door and I'm also glad that no photos were posted to accompany this (no offense).

  2. Oh my gosh Suzanne! That's hilarious (but cool that you can fit through the doggie door!)

  3. Private or not, most people would not go outside stark nekkid! You are a brave, brave woman. I was laughing so hard when you told me that story, I could hardly breathe!

  4. That is toooooo funny, Suzanne!! I never would've thought you would go outdoors in the buff. Now I know I never will! I would never fit through our doggie door....

  5. My comment got left in the "grave" story sorry! I am still laughing!
