Monday, November 16, 2009

Book Club Refreshments

Book Club is at my house tonight. We are discussing Poe's short stories.
I spent most of the day cooking and cleaning. I made pumkin sandwich cookies on the left and pumpkin empanaditas on the right. Don't they look yummy?
I also made Minnesota Wild Rice Soup. We will have fruit and crackers.
You should come to Book Club!


  1. I want to be at your book club!! Mine is on Thursday this week. We read "My Daughter's Keeper." -- Not my favorite, but the discussion will be good; it always is. Just started, "Complications" today. So far it's quite enjoyable. -- I miss you.

  2. Wow, if my book club served refreshments like that I might go even though it's a 50 mile drive one way....
