Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Famous Author

So my friend Joyce has written two books so far. She is doing amazing things in learning how to promote herself and her book. This time her publisher has been able to get her in Deseret book and Costco. She has done book signings at the Renaissance Festival, but this last several weeks, her publisher has had her doing book signings at Costco 3 days a week!
Joyce is naturally quite reserved and this has been a challenge for her. I am amazed at how she has planned it all out and how many books she has sold at Costco. She has done amazingly well.
So Penny and I went by to wish her well. Buy a copy!


  1. She means the would-be, maybe a thousand years from now famous author...if I'm lucky!

    It was so fun to see you and Penny at Costco, though, Suzanne! Thanks for coming out to support me!!!

  2. I'm glad she's doing so well!
