Saturday, January 16, 2010

Central 15.2 miles!

Cindy and I like to hike/walk. Not too long ago we hiked from where Central dead ends against North Mountain all the way down Central to Filmore, about 8.5 miles. I got this idea that it would be really cool to hike the entire distance from South Mountain to North Mountain. We measured it and it was 15.2 miles. We decided to do it!
We invited the ladies from Church to join us. Only a few hardy souls were brave enough to do the whole thing with us, but several joined us for different segments throughout the day.
We started at 7:10am down at South Mountain. As you can see, the sun wasn't up yet! We were lucky that it really wasn't that cold of a morning. Here is Reyna and she brought her son, Levi, Melanie, Gayle and Marlenda. Cindy and I were there too.

As we stated out in the dark, you just see the beginnings of a beautiful sunrise.
Here is when the sun was up a little more.

Levi, being 5 years old, was full of energy. He would ride in the stroller a little, then get out and run full out ahead of us back and forth awhile. He needed to climb, signs, posts and and any fences that were around. He was a lot of fun. He also explained to us that it was very important to stay away from all horse poop. We told him that it was probably a good idea to stay away from any type of poop at all.

This was about a third of the way, crossing the Salt River were the Rio Salado Park was. Sometime Cindy and I are going to come and check out the hiking trails that are here.

More Rio Salado.

Coming into down town, looking at the old Westward Ho.

Clair and her son Cooper joined us down town. Clair is a triathlete but didn't make us feel like a bunch of wimps.

Cooper is absolutely adorable.

We walked right past the Saturday morning Farmer's Market.

At a stop light downtown.


We had a few casualties along the way. Several people developed blisters. We stopped at a drug store and got moleskin. This is the group application process. Here is a close up of Reyna's poor foot.

Levi and Cooper were buddies and our "priesthood" for most of the way.

A proud mama.

Some of the "scenery". Apparently someone didn't like the last phone call they got on this phone. Not only is it decorated, but it's torn up and destroyed.

The Phoenix Art Museum banner advertising an exhibit of dressings by Geoffrey Beene.

Outside the Phoenix Art Museum

The sign for the museum and a cut out in the wall that artfully frames a planting on the other side.

Next was the Heard museum and a stone sculpture.

Fountain and lawn at a business park.

A necessary stop.

Two thirds of the way we stopped at AJ's for a great lunch. We were joined by several more people and lost Clair and Cooper after lunch. Virginia joined us for a leg on her scooter! Clair's husband Cody, joined us for our lunch break.

Penny and Carolynn joined us for the final third of the hike.

Melanie and I at our lunch break.

More doctoring of Reyna's feet.

Gayle joined us for intermittment periods, putting in a total of 10 miles.

Marlenda and Carolynn.

Sharyn found us shortly after our lunch break.

And wouldn't you know, not too far from the end, who should show up, but our extremely athletic bishop!

Levi had been waiting all day for someone to give him a piggy back ride.

The brave group at the end of the road. Poor Melanie hiked 14 miles and popped a blister. The bishop ran back to his car and rescued her. She was so disappointed to have to miss the last mile plus.
I am very sore and stiff but very proud of myself! Maybe I have a few traces of my pioneering ancestors!


  1. Good job Suzanne! I wish I could've stayed longer. You gals are a fun bunch to talk to and hike with! I look forward to another hike soon.

  2. Looked like a great time, I remember Virginia, she's so nice, I didn't realize she was in a scooter! Your shirt/blouse looks nice. You have so many nice friends, I liked Cecilia's comment about Penny hiking with a purse!

  3. You really documented the sights well. There really are a lot of interesting things to see on this walk because we walked through so many parts of town - industrial, residential, high rises, parks, bridle path. It was a great day, great weather, great friends, great conversation. I'm glad you had such a good idea.
