Friday, January 8, 2010

Doggie photos

My friend Cindy and her family took her son Brady to the Missionary training center recently. While they were gone, I babysat their dog Lexie. This is Lexie laying on my legs. She pretty much was in my lap anytime I sat down. She is a sweetie.

She also LOVED my dog Dobbie. I am not sure what it is about him, but she tried to play with him all the time. He enjoyed her company. She stayed last summer and did the same thing with him. I didn't get some of the cute photos I had planned, but here is Mr. Dobbie.

And then there is my buddy, Winston. As always the Boss, the King, at least that is what he thinks. Here he is looking quite docile all curled up.

If this were video instead of a photo, you would see Lexie (in front) trying to get Dobbie to play with her.

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