Thursday, April 1, 2010

Domestic Flowers

After I had done the post on my garden, I had said I would do a later posting with photos of my flowers as they bloomed, so here they are!
First, Several people commented on my previous Garden tour post, that it looked like I had acres. Here is a photo from the corner of my yard! Pretty small, huh! But you can also see the Mexican Honeysuckle in bloom and the Aloe Vera in bloom.

So this is the lighter rannuculus. It's cool because the underside of the petals is red orange.
And the Red Rannuculus.

My other daffodil was white and yellow. Here is the all yellow one.

And I love nasturtiums. This Alaskan mix has a nice variegated leaf too.

And my sweet peas have just started. Love the smell of sweet peas.

And here is a little bouquet of rannuculus and freesias on my counter!


  1. nice, I've been taking pictures of my "spring blooms" too! Just waiting for a couple more before posting!

  2. Stunning picture of the flowers, will definitely make my day. Keep posting.
