Thursday, April 1, 2010

Strawberry Cupcakes

I made strawberry cupcakes last Sunday night and took them to work. One of my coworkers had written on my colleauge evaluation that I could improve by "baking more". I brought them in as a joke for her, and then she wasn't even working that day!
I took a box of strawberry cake mix and rehydrated some freeze dried strawberries I had in my food storage. I added them in and reduced the liquid in the recipe a little. They looked and smelled awfully good. I got 18. I took 12 to work. I froze 3, that I gave away last night to some friends celebrating a birthday.
If you do your math right you will realize there are still 3 left in my freezer. They are waiting for me on Easter Sunday. I have been dieting but decided to go off for just the day on Easter. These cupcakes have been calling my name from the freezer all week!!! I can't wait to try them.