Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Effects of Reality TV

I was driving long distances for work the last couple of days and listening to my ipod as I went. I found that I was evaluating a lot of the songs for their suitability as choices for American Idol contestants. This song was too iconic, if they sang it, they would be accused of sounding Karoke. Another one, would be good if maybe they updated the arrangement a little. I was also listening very closely to the singers. Wow, Sarah Brightman is really amazing. Can you imagine someone with a voice like hers on American idol? What the Judges would say? Aaron Neville? Linda Ronstadt? I think Without You by Harry Nilsson would be a good song choice for someone. It was pretty funny to find myself evaluating all my music in terms of American Idol.


  1. You are a NUT!

    However, I did wear my Brooke White shirt today :)

  2. Have not seen idol this year, but usually enjoy most of the songs
