Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Potluck

The Hales were kind enough to let me plan an Easter potluck in their backyard! It was a fun gathering of friends and family. You can see some of Cindy's cute table decorations, layered candy in jars a la Martha Stewart! Here is Roxanne and Melanie getting us started off.

The nicely svelte Rachel didn't join us for long. She was dieting and we didn't have any food for her. That's Penny in the background.
Carrie and Edith came. Poor Edith was sporting some pretty impressive hardware.

My Aunt Rejeana. It is fun to have extended family that live in town now.

3/4 of the Adams family. Isn't that a nice picture of a dad?

My Uncle Ron, Dad's brother.

The Ingelby's.

Sue and her nephew in line with Dave acting up!

We played some group pictionary after eating.

A little husband and wife head to head.

The Elders made it to eat with us.

The Yule's came a little late, in time to help my team win pictionary.

Somebody had my camera when I wasn't looking!


  1. Look like you guys had fun! We ended up joining Jared for lunch at Good Sam :)

  2. That's neat that your aunt & uncle came! I see the resemblence of your father in your uncle! Does he sound similar when he talks? Wish I could have been there to see everyone, boy Edith looked miserable!
