Monday, June 28, 2010

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

Camp was a fun experience. One of the best things was being there with some of my close friends. Here is the always lovely, Lezlee.

And this is a photo Lezlee took of Cynthia and I. I am not too thrilled with how old I look in this picture and I definately had "camp hair". Cindy looks great!

The older girls are YCL's or youth leaders. They get to plan a lot of what happens at camp and run it with the adults taking a step into the background. This is where the YCL's stayed, a platform, with some canopies erected to give them shade. The YCL's were great and did an amazing job.

Bianca, one of the YCL's

Angelica and Natasha, YCL's

Natalia, YCL

Melissa, YCL

There were about 20 YCL's all together.

Flag Ceremony started and ended each day

This was a very popular activity for the girls. Many of them had these bracelets in progress attached to their jeans with a safety pin.

There are camp beads given for the different skills girls certify in each year they are at camp. In addition camp beads are given for your cabin, going to camp that year, participating in the hike, etc. This is what a set of beads looks like for someone who has gone several years.

This is what a set of beads look like for someone who is there for the first time!

The theme for camp. The girls all made one of these and we all have T shirts.

The YCL's platform was decorated with christmas lights.

One day they thought it was going to rain. Tam was helping trying to cover up the platform so the girls didn't get wet.


Water baseball was one of the activities that Cindy planned. They had to hit a beach ball with a foam noodle. First base they had to put their elbow in the wading pool. Second base, their head, third base their knee and for a home run, their behind. It was a lot of fun.

Head in the water

A hit

Home run!

Some of the cabin mom's from my ward. Someone had drawn a mustache on Lindsey.

Merrin, YCL

Athena, YCL

If you recieved a package at camp, you had to dance for it.

Conducting a song, with style and attitude.

Girls made lots of bracelets!


The fourth year girls do some rougher adventure camping and activities before they come and join the rest of us at camp. It's their last year before they become YCL's. Here they are taking a turn at serving dinner.

Some of the girls from my ward, Taylor, Sabrina, Jordan, Karalyn and Brianna.

Karalyn and Brianna

Lacey, from my ward

Audrey, a delightful new friend

There are lots of funny stories from camp. Like the camp director not being able to find the second walkie talkie. She could hear it, and was getting closer, but wasn't sure where it was. It was in her back pocket! She was calling herself!
And when Lezlee told me there were three sides to the bathrooms and how they had to keep cleaning them. There are only two sides. She must have cleaned one side twice. She still isn't sure she believes me! I told her she was in another dimension.
And then there was the staff person who had to ask where the bathroom was, even after we had been there a few days!
It was a great experience and I am glad I was able to participate. Maybe I can go next year and add to my beads!


  1. I love some of these photos - I might have to 'steal' some of them. I especially love the one with the bracelets. I thought I took one like that, but apparently I didn't. And you don't look old! (and thanks for posting the one photo where I don't look like an ooompa loompa)

  2. First year at girls camp ever?! That's kinda crazy. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

  3. Well Heidi, I joined the Church when I was 18, so I missed out on camp. Haven't been as an adult till now!

  4. Looks like a good time was had by all! Maybe someday they'll let me go!

  5. Looks like a good time was had by all! Maybe someday they'll let me go!

  6. I always knew you were just a "child at heart" Sue. Your Mom
