Monday, July 12, 2010

The Cabin

A very generous friend loaned me his cabin this last weekend. It's in the Heber/Overgaard area. Here is the comfy setting.

Complete with the rockers on the front porch.
My friend Lezlee went with me. We spent most of our time seriously relaxing. We did take a drive, looking for a cool place to hike. Somehow we ended up in ShowLow. This is what some vandals did to the Public Library sign. Not to encourage vandalism, but it was a funny.

And for some reason there were pirates in downtown ShowLow.

Back at the cabin we also had some seriously yummy food, including smores.

Here is Lezlee demostrating how you can eat a smore and read a great book all at the same time.

There were some woodpeckers working hard on building a nest inside a bird house right off the porch. They kept a close eye on us. They weren't too happy with us when we were on the porch.

Besides reading and napping, I spent a lot of time doing this. I crochet a LOT! I find it very relaxing. Arty photos courtesy of Lezlee.

1 comment:

  1. Looked like a really nice cabin!! I remember years ago (decades) of going to pine top w/ ou in a little cabin, it was so nice!
