Thursday, April 28, 2011

Maisey Cow hat Contest

So, here is a little girl's cow hat. Here is the deal. I think it would fit probably 1 to 3 year old. Not completely sure. So tell me why you want it. The best story gets it! I will also be doing this on facebook. Hope it finds a good home.


  1. Grace would LOVE it! She loves cows! She moos whenever we see one and she would wear it all the time! - I dont' know if that's a good story but its pretty accurate

  2. I have to second Emily's vote. It is true that we'd never see Gracie's hair again because the hat would always be on her head! To further "beg" for the cute hat, it would be passed down to Cora when it no longer fits Grace. Oh, AND the girls live in COLD country. More snow is expected this week!!

  3. Oh it is so darling and I don't think I could top the prior comments but let me know if you ever decide to do a chicken and then the competition is ON!

  4. Oh my goodness, that is cute. It makes me wish I had a one year old.

  5. Ok Em, You win. Send me your mailing address in an email!

  6. For more begging nice hat, will be passed down to Cora when Grace is no longer appropriate. Oh and girls living in the cold country. It is expected more snow this week.

