Friday, May 6, 2011

In LOVE with the MIM

I went to the MIM (Musical Instrument Museum) for the first time just a month ago. I enjoyed it very much, but we didn't get all the way through. It costs 15$ to get in. If you save your receipt, and come back within a month, you can get in a second time for 10$. So I went back tonight. I think I might be half way through now.
It is an amazing place. There are exhibits with instruments from every country and ethnic group in the world (I think). You look at the instruments, read the "blurb" about the country and music, and then almost every exhibit has video clips of some of the music being played, danced, sung,etc. I learn so much while I am there and it really makes me think. Tonight I was thinking about colonialism, indigenous peoples, artistry, commonalities, etc. It was fascinating.
The first time I was there we did Europe, North America and the special exhibit rooms. Tonight I did South America, Oceania and about 1/3 of Asia. I still have a lot of Asia left, Africa and the Middle East. It is also a lesson in geography and ethnic groups.
I stayed till they closed. I think I was the last visitor out of the building. I thought maybe I needed to get a membership. Sadly, they don't have memberships. You can belong to their "Circle of Friends" and make a donation. The lowest level is 250$ and then you get 10 passes. I don't think I am prepared to do that. But I will definately be back many times. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!!

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