Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Idaho ATV Ride

I think that kids in rural Idaho get ATV's instead of bikes. Every kid has one and most adults do too. They are really fun to ride. I kinda wish I had one in Arizona, except I don't have any where to keep one, pull one, etc. My sister got me up early for a nice long ATV ride. Here she is with her dog Beau riding shotgun. He is a good ATV rider.

This is me. I had to have a lesson in how to drive my Nephew's ATV. It had all sorts of heel and toe shifters, etc.

We saw quite a few cows on the way.

And the next thing you know, I drove through fresh cow poop.

Along with cow poop, we saw lots of really pretty flowers. Milkweed.

Wild roses.

Indian paint brush.

And beautiful countryside.

Lots of views!


  1. Good thing the cow poop was on the vehicle and not on your leg! That ride sounds marvelous. I am always surprised how many ATVs are in Idaho too.

  2. Sounds fun, enjoying seeing the sweater/jacket!

  3. Great photos! Where did you guys get your quads? I am thinking about buying one I saw on atvquadswap.com.
