Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Random Idaho Photos

Just some random photos from Idaho. This is my nephew, Daniel, mowing the lawn. Quite the lawn mower, huh?

Ruby, Aaron's dog.

Some of the day lilys in Mom's garden.

My sister's garden.

My Mom in her jazzy chair. She gets around really well in her little chair. And that is her cute dog, Dottie.

My sister Janet.

My brother in law, Ron.

Some of the chickens. They are laying hens. I have helped gather fresh eggs several times. It's been fun to cook with them.

An owl we saw one evening on a drive.

My sister's love birds. She keeps trying to convince me to take them home with me.

My mom's dog, Dottie.

A view of the Swan Lake area.


  1. Are you still in ID? I'd love to see you! Can we make a time?

  2. All that nice fresh air will make you sleepy! Are there swans on Swan Lake la la la la la la la!
