Monday, March 26, 2012

Desert View 40 year Reunion

 Four years ago, I helped put together a reunion for our grade school. It was really a lot of fun. Since this year would be the 4oth anniversary since our graduation from 8th grade, We decided to do it again. We started off at Aunt Chiladas on Friday night. Above is Kim Moody Eaton, Sandy Naylor Barry and Cathi Cooper Rehm.
 I didn't get photos of everyone, in fact I never even saw Tom Upshaw, although I heard he was there. Here is Barry Krayer and Robert Anderson, looking through the Desert View Yearbook. Next to them is Harry Spangler, our favorite Royal Palm gate crasher!
 Alan Heser was there with his delightful wife.
 On Saturday, Gina Montagno Batson and her wonderful husband, Tom, hosted us at their home. They even supplied the hot dogs and hamburgers. AND Tom even cooked them again. I think I have the same photo from our reunion the last time. On top of all that, it was even Gina's birthday!
 I didn't take as nice of photos this time, for some reason. It was great to have some folks there who hadn't come the first time. Larry Milton came with his wife, Kathy Goodsell (Mountain View). Kathy and I remembered sharing a ride in a little four seater plane when we were 18, between Provo and Phoenix. Here is Larry and Ron Stephens. Ron came from California again to join us.
 Barry Krayer and Jim Wolfe!
 Kevin Wengert, looking dapper and slim from all of his mega bike riding.
 Guy Daley came all the way from Kansas to join us this year. Here he is with Robert Anderson.
 It was so fun to see these two best friends from High School together again! They hadn't seen each other in 26 years. Nancy Lindstrom Parker from Oregon and Cathy Schilling from Cottonwood.
 Suzanne Thomas Young joined us from Texas and Kim Moody Eaton came from Glendale. Suzanne was a first timer to our reunion.
 It was so fun that Mary Flores Tesch made it this year. We had all missed her the first time. Here she is with Bonnie Dean Nelson.
 Bonnie Dean Nelason, Suzanne Barker and Mary Flores Tesch. Below is Robin Burlingame Gioradano and Sandy Naylor Barry. It was Robin's birthday too! Thanks for coming on your birthday Robin!

 Suzanne Barker, Nancy Lindstrom Parker, Robin Burlingame Gioridano, Sandy Naylor Barry and Catherine Schilling.
 Jim Wolf, Diane Graves came from California with her husband Carl Dolk (Royal Palm), Mary Flores Tesch.
 Sandy Naylor Barry, Cathi Cooper Rehm, Kim Moody Eaton, Kim Westerkamp Gwodz, Suzanne Thomas Young and Bonnie Dean Nelson.
 The two birthday girls, blow out their candles. Gina Montagno Batson and Robin Burlingame Gioradano.
 Ken Harriger made it to the party.
Suzanne Thomas Young, Kim Moody Eaton, Kim Westerkamp Gwodz, Cathi Cooper Rehm and Sandy Naylor Barry.

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