Saturday, March 31, 2012

Horse Back Ride in Young, AZ

 I love Groupon! I have been able to get some awesome deals. Usually they are half price and sometimes even more. Shortly after my niece arrived, I bought a Groupon for a 2 hour horse ride for two people for 48$. It was a bargain. It was at Cherry Creek Lodge. I thought Cherry Creek Lodge was in Cherry, just outside of Prescott, because I lived at Cherry Creek Lodge once for 6 weeks. Imagine my surprise to find out that it was in Young, AZ. It is a good 3 hour trip one way, through Payson, up towards Heber and then 20 miles down a dirt road.
We went at the end of the week after a big snow storm had gone through. It looked pretty cold and snowy up on the rim. I was a little concerned that we wouldn't even be able to get there down the dirt road. I was also worried that the weather might be a bit miserable.
None of the worries were an issue. We arrived just on time. It was perfect weather, in the 60's, sunny and cool.
 The property is beautiful. They have their own little lake that is stocked with bass, crappie and perch. It's a bed and breakfast. The people who manage it moved from Idaho 6 months ago. They were very hospitable. They would have loved to have us stay the night or have a meal with them. In addition to the rides and B and B, they have cattle drives, hunting trips, shooting trips, etc that you can go on.
 The ranch is in a very historic location. It is the site of the Pleasant Valley War, a big feud that went on between two families for years. It was interesting to hear some of the historical detail.
 Penny, Keegan and I all went. Keegan is an experienced rider. I am an intermediate rider and Penny a novice. We were very proud of Penny to be willing to go with us. She was a little nervous about whether or not she would come back alive. Here she is getting ready to go. She did very well. Her horse was pretty good at just following along with us.

 The three of us ready to go.
 The area was really pretty. There was a stream that we crossed multiple times. Some beautiful Arizona Sycamores. Their leaves aren't out yet, but the white trunks are beautiful. There were also some really nice cliffs.

 At the end of the ride, we had a picnic we brought at their little lake. My niece got really sunburned. It was a great day and I would recommend the location to anyone interested in a visit!

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