Monday, January 28, 2013


I love dogs and like a most animals. However my niece, is way more crazy about dogs. Since she moved in with me a year ago, we have acquired two more dogs. Not that anymore dogs were needed in my little condo.
This is Cisco, our latest acquisition. He was a stray, semi feral chihuahua that she had been seeing running around for over a month. He was very skinny and terrified of people. I didn't want to keep him, but when we found out the Humane Society won't take an uninjured stray, we were a little stymied. He was so scared of people, I was afraid he would get put down if we took him to the pound. Then it was heartwarming to see him making strides, wagging his tail. Coming willingly to my niece. I am still a little scary to him. He has jumped on my lap a couple of times. I didn't have the heart to make him try and start all over again somewhere else. The above photo is his first bath.

This picture is today. Contentedly curled up on my bed. He has learned about getting UP on things now. We just caught him climbing the pet stairs the cats use to get to the cat food. He was on top of my dresser! Something to work on. He is only 7 lbs and cute as a bug.

This is Winston. My sweet boy. He will be 11 in September.

Keegan's other dog, Tanner, using Winston for a pillow.

Dobbie, my crazy rescue min pin. We have succeeded in trimming him down a bit, but he still has a ways to go.

Winston is my sweetie.

Tanner is Keegan's sweetie.

Dobbie has the sweetest personality for all of his quirks.

The doggie part of the family.

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