Monday, January 28, 2013

The Cat that won't die

This is going to sound mean. Nigel is 20 years old. He is a sweet cat and I love him, but like any elderly creature, he is getting a little forgetful and difficult to have around. He doesn't always remember to go outside to go to the bathroom. He throws up a lot. He walks on my head when I'm trying to sleep. He spends a lot of time like this, sleeping on my bed. He doesn't seem to be in any pain or distress. He purrs happily most of the time and asks for attention. I keep thinking one day, he will go to kitty heaven. I don't have the heart to have him put down when he seems perfectly fine. But it is getting to be a bit of a trial. 
Sometimes I want to say, it's okay, go to the light, Nigel.

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