Monday, April 27, 2015

Ladies Day at the Lake: Bartlett Lake 2015

I love to do a ladies day at the lake! We rent a pontoon boat for the day and split the cost between us all. I got an extra special deal on this boat, which made it all the more fun. Here is the group as we are heading out.

Bartlett Dam

Thanks to Lynnora, there were some extra special nibbles.

Everyone enjoyed soaking up the fresh air and sunshine.

Captain of the boat.

Carli was the brave one, who decided to try getting in the water.
We saw some things we hadn't seen before.

Penny's Cleopatra pose.
This is as close to getting in that most of us got.

Pretty scenery.

Erica followed Carli's example

Sun worshiper

More scenery
Colorful toes

Some napping was done.

Great Day!

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