Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Grand Canyon with Friends Spring 2015

I love the Grand Canyon. I love to go anytime. This week I was able to take 2 friends who hadn't been in a long time. It was really fun to be able to share it with them again.
Above are Jane and Aimee, from work, and me. Penny was also on the trip.
We started from the west entrance. Before we made it to the park, we did some shopping on Navajo reservation in Cameron.

We stopped at the gorge of the Little Colorado river. It was amazing in it's own right.

The weather was beautiful and so were the views, for miles and miles.

This sign caused some consternation.

Jewelry for sale

First stop from the western entrance, Desert View and the watch tower.

 It's so beautiful! And fun to watch how the light, shadows and colors change.

Jane and Aimee

Aimee and I.

 Jane and I

 Lunch at the Arizona room
We saw more than a dozen elk!

 Jane wanted to make the acquaintance of the mules. She fed him a cheeto. He did not like it a bit!

Jane and Penny

Jane enjoying a treat

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