Friday, June 26, 2015

Charleston: part II

The day after the horrible shooting, we took a bus tour of downtown Charleston. There were still some roads blocked off and lots of media. It was an unsettled and upsetting atmosphere.
I was excited to be able to get a sweetgrass basket. Handmade.

A high rise boat garage in Charleston.

Lots of quick photos out the window of the bus of some of the houses. The side porches, one room wide single house style that is considered unique to Charleston.

This is not a single house.


 The Citadel is in Charleston. It's a state university that while not associated with the military, has a military bent. We got to drive through campus. It was interesting to see a site featured in so many books and movies.
 This giant class ring is apparently an annual tradition. A new one is unveiled every year.

Lots of military vehicles around the parade ground that represent all the different eras of military endeavors.

The quad inside was checkerboard painted, I just couldn't quite get that in my photo.

The old prison and orphanage were by each other. Our guide said that in the old days, the orphans were sent out to do things to help support themselves. One of the things they did was busk, and dance. They invented a dance that became popular and that's how you got the Charleston.

Horse drawn tours were all over, but it was so stinking hot and humid, we elected for air conditioning.

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