Friday, June 26, 2015

Middleton Place

One of the places I really had to go to, was Middleton Place. The gardens here were in my book of all of the most beautiful gardens in the world. Who wouldn't want to go see that? It wasn't the best time of year, not much was in bloom and again the heat and humidity, but still, the formal gardens were beautiful. This is the reflecting pool, before all the formal garden rooms, hedges and private sitting areas.

There is also some heritage animals on the place, like these draft horses.

 You would walk around a corner and there would be a different view, a different private area of garden.
 We both liked the place a lot.

This is the Middleton oak, a landmark on the river.

 A tomb within the garden with some family members there.

 A few flowers blooming.

 These butterfly ponds, faced the river. Again, the main entrance, historically, was from the river. The originally house was destroyed during the civil war. The ruins remain on the site. Only a part of the old home remains. This was a home more than a plantation, but the family had 18 plantations scattered throughout the area.

This was the old dairy house on the bottom and slave chapel on top.

The ruins. I think they were making a statement by leaving the ruins.

They showcase some of the heritage breeds that were originally used on the property. This is the type of pig they had. Much smaller than breeds today.

The shop were all the pottery and clay vessels were made.

All the wooden casks and barrels were made by skilled slaves all year long.

A Nubian goat.

This goat is believed to be a breed that was brought by Spanish ships years ago. They were found wild on an uninhabited island.

Water buffalo were imported to work the rice fields.

 A model of a dovecote, doves were eaten.
 A sugar cane press. It is still grown here and pressed for demonstrations.

Indigo from seeds and leaves to cake to dyed yarn. The process for making it into cakes was learned and developed in the colonies by a 16 year old girl.

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